As a Busy University Student, you have to often take the bus to 本部 from 公館 campus. As introduce in the 伯樂大學堂, there are 3 bus routes between 公館 and 本部.

The 3 routes are: 278, 復興幹線 and 0南. And they have different schedules.

For simplicity, we assume that the bus schedules are as follows:

  1. 278: 40 minutes per bus(Least frequent in reality)
  2. 復興幹線: 6 minutes per bus(Most frequent in reality)
  3. 0 南: 19 minutes per bus

And the bus service 24 hours a day.(i.e. 全年無休)

Today, your friend, PY, who is a Bed and Usleep(INT_MAX) Student, he just wake up and just leave 學七舍, and you are at bus stop waiting for him. You want to tell him how many buses you have missed.


Input follow the format D1:H1:M1.D1,H1,M1 are integers, where D1 is the Day you arrive at the bus stop since 1922(the NTNU established), H is the hour you arrive at the bus stop, M is the minute you arrive at the bus stop. Then, the following input are D2:H2:M2.D2,H2,M2 are integers, where D2 is the Day PY arrive the bus stop since 1922(the NTNU established), H2 is the hour PY arrive the bus stop, M2 is the minute PY arrive the bus stop. It is guaranteed that PY will arrive after you. And all integers are in the range of int32_t.


Output a number, which is the number of buses you have missed between your arrival and PY's arrival.


There is no input.


There is no output.


Sample #0

Input Output

Sample #1

Input Output


ID Description Score
0 See Sample #0 0
1 See Sample #1 0
2 There is no description. 30
3 There is no description. 30
4 There is no description. 40


ID Limits Score
0 $10000, 64MB 100

The total score of this problem is 10000.


There is no hint.